ArrowMark Financial Corp.

The primary investment objectives of ArrowMark Financial Corp. (Nasdaq: BANX) are income generation, capital preservation and providing total risk-adjusted returns.


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Where is ArrowMark Financial Corp.’s corporate headquarters?
100 Fillmore St. Ste. 325
Denver, CO 80206
Who are the members of ArrowMark Financial Corp.'s management team?

You can view our management team by visiting the “About Us Leadership - Management” section of our website. 

Who are the ArrowMark Financial Corp.’s Board of Directors?

You can view our Board of Directors by visiting the “About Us Leadership - Board” section of our website.  

What is the investment objective of ArrowMark Financial Corp.?

ArrowMark Financial Corp.’s primary investment objective is to provide shareholders with current income.  We achieve this investment objective through investments in banking-related assets across the spectrum of community banks to global money center banks.  The Company invests across asset classes including, term loans, structured debt, regulatory capital relief securities and to a lesser extent equity. Under normal circumstances, we intend to invest at least 80% of the value of our net assets plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes in these assets. There is not guarantee that we will achieve our investment objective.

What differentiates ArrowMark Financial Corp. from peer competitors?
ArrowMark Financial Corp. is a unique investment vehicle. The Company is comprised of a portfolio of fixed income credits. The Company is a publicly traded closed-end investment management company dedicated to investing in banking-related assets from community banks to global money center banks. Our advisor originates deals which offer ArrowMark Financial Corp. a distinct advantage of investing through multiple economic climates and market cycles.  
How can I find out when the Fund will post webcast updates or declaring distributions?

An investor can sign up for email alerts that provide a real-time update of the corporation’s SEC filings, earnings results, dividend distributions and press releases. The sign-up for an alert is under the Shareholder Tools/Email Alert portion of the Investor Relations website.

Does ArrowMark Financial Corp. pay distributions?

ArrowMark Financial Corp. intends to pay quarterly distributions to our common shareholders, in accordance with Registered Investment Company (RIC) rules.  The distributions are declared by the Board of Directors.  ArrowMark Financial Corp.’s distribution history and announcements of distribution declarations can be found under the Stock Information/distribution and Tax Information portion of the Investor Relations website.


under the Stock Information distribution and Tax Information portion of the Investor Relations website.

Does ArrowMark Financial Corp. have a dividend reinvestment plan?

ArrowMark Financial Corp. has an “Opt-Out” dividend reinvestment plan.  The share reinvestment is offered at a 3% discount to the corporation’s closing price calculated over a five-day period. If your shares are registered directly with us or with a brokerage firm that participates in our plan, all distributions are automatically reinvested in our common stock. An investor would need to specifically request for an “Opt-Out” to receive the distributions. If your shares are not registered with us, your brokerage firm does not participate in our plan, or you are unsure if you are enrolled, please contact your brokerage firm.   

How does the transfer agent calculate the number of shares in the Reinvestment plan?

The transfer agent calculates the dividend reinvestment amount from the closing stock price over the immediate five-day period prior to record date. The share equivalent is based on a 3% discount to the average closing price.  Brokers who participate in the plan have the option of taking the equivalent cash or taking equivalent shares. For brokers taking equivalent cash, the broker-dealer is responsible for the timing of the reinvestment in ArrowMark Financial Corp.

How do I contact Investor Relations with a question or request?

ArrowMark Financial Corp.’s Investor Relations can be accessed by calling 877-855-3434; or email at Written requests can be mailed to ArrowMark Financial Corp.’s corporate headquarters at:  Investor Relations, ArrowMark Financial Corp., 100 Fillmore Street, Ste. 325, Denver, CO 80206

Where can I find all of ArrowMark Financial Corp.'s SEC filings? Can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?

The corporation’s quarterly and annual reports, as well as all SEC filings can be accessed on the Financial Information portion of our Investor Relations website or directly from the SEC at  

Who is the transfer agent, dividend paying agent and registrar for ArrowMark Financial Corp.'s common stock?
Computershare Trust Company N.A.
250 Royall Street
Canton, MA 02021
Toll Free Number: (855) 330-6339
Main Phone Number: (201) 680-2236
Who are the corporation's independent registered public accountants?
Tait, Weller & Baker LLP
1818 Market Street, Suite 2400
New York, NY 10019